
Australia's shame: military superannuation leaves Diggers in poverty
Australia's shame: military superannuation leaves Diggers in poverty

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Defence force families in Australia are falling into poverty because military superannuation funds and pensions are not indexed at a fair rate.

Is this how we, as Australians, want to treat those who have risked their lives to protect the freedoms we cherish?

Will we face a situation where former soldiers and their families are living in penury during their old age?

We’re watching you: why the government should focus on cybersecurity, not surveillance
We’re watching you: why the government should focus on cybersecurity, not surveillance

Earlier this week Greens Senator Scott Ludlam asked the Federal Government to reveal whether the TrapWire video surveillance system is being used in Australia or if it has been used in the past.

Verizon Wireless vs Telstra: the great mobile rip-off continues
Verizon Wireless vs Telstra: the great mobile rip-off continues

Does the recent announcement by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) of a new code of practice to prevent bill shock for “long-suffering telco customers”, and improve product marketing practices, bring Australia up to par with its international cousins?

In a word: no.

Hackers hit Steam: is it time to open the Valve on e-commerce regulation?
Hackers hit Steam: is it time to open the Valve on e-commerce regulation?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

One of the world’s largest online video gaming networks, Steam, has been hacked and its 35 million users may have had their accounts “compromised”. And yes, “compromised” means their (encrypted) credit card details may have been stolen.

Stop Online Piracy Act draws battle lines for 'control' of the internet
Stop Online Piracy Act draws battle lines for 'control' of the internet

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Battle lines have been drawn in the US between proponents of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), currently being debated, and those who oppose any regulation of the internet.

Why is Anonymous hacking Australia?
Why is Anonymous hacking Australia?

A few days ago, Anonymous activists hacked into AAPTstole 40GB of data including customer information and forced offline ten Australian government websites.