
Cybercrime bill makes it through – but what does that mean for you?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Yesterday afternoon the Australian Senate passed the Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 following amendments suggested by the Labor Party.

'You've been hacked': why data-breach reporting should be mandatory

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

In an age of Facebook, eBay and online banking, data privacy is becoming more important than ever before. The majority of Australians have personal information stored online with a range of organisations and companies – information we’d rather the whole world didn’t have access to.

Telstra's revised cyber-safety service could (and should) be better

Telecommunications By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Telstra’s first attempt to introduce a cyber-safety service for mobile customers in June was a flop of significant proportions.

Unlimited government and police control of the internet? There's no filter for that

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Good news. A decision made earlier this month by Australia’s Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Senator Stephen Conroy may have inadvertently opened the door for unlimited government and police control of the internet.

On November 9, Senator Stephen Conroy said:

The next generation of digital assaults

Business Spectator 22 November 2012

Imagine trying to connect to the network and finding that you cannot. It’s a frightening scenario that could play out sooner than you think given the technologies being developed and deployed today.

Explainer: what is a virtual private network (VPN)?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Have you ever wanted to exist in more than one place at the same time?

The laws of physics suggest wormholes through space and time are hypothetical; but wormholes do exist in cyberspace and wonders can be found on the other side.

The cyber war rulebook

War has always been a dirty business, both bloody and chaotic, but that hasn’t stopped us from imposing codes of conduct on combat. They might not mean a lot in the heat of battle or be relevant to achieving strategic objectives, but they are there for a reason.

How cyber-crime like the Sony Hack will affect Australian business in 2015

The cyber-attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment in late November is not the first time that the Sony Corporation has been a target for cyber-criminals and if anything is to be learned from the attacks on Sony is that corporations are not taking cyber-security seriously.

NBN's road to 'bare-minimum broadband'

The Coalition's NBN policy is now a 'bare-minimum broadband' policy that will set Australia at the back of the pack over time. This week in Business Spectator the Turnbull approach to how to cause telecommunications chaos is discussed and what the detrimental effects will be for Australia are highlighted.

Read the full article below

The Active International Response to Cyber Crime

The international cyber-security versus cyber-crime battle is gathering pace and what we’re seeing is the formation of international alliances to fight this rising scourge. However, the online world is unlike any other, it will take more than a defensive mindset to win this battle. Today in CSO the active response option is highlighted and moves around the world to take the fight to cyber-criminals are discussed.

Read the full article below