NBN Co's bad telco habits
NBN Co's bad telco habits

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The relationship between the telecommunications industry and its customers has always been adversarial with the telcos seen as a necessary evil; their promises of “customer satisfaction”, “value for money” and transparency disregarded as disingenuous PR speak.

Dumbing down the NBN
Dumbing down the NBN

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The faulty arguments that stifle the NBN’s potential
The faulty arguments that stifle the NBN’s potential

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NBN Co's great gamble
NBN Co's great gamble

The great Hybrid-Fibre Coax gamble is well underway at NBN Co and what this will mean for consumers is discussed in Business Spectator. The promises of future upgrades and black spot remediation are under the microscope as there is increasing evidence that the short term promise of a quick boost in NBN customer numbers provided by existing HFC customers is too big a cherry for the government and the communications minister Malcolm Turnbull to overlook.

The NBN Phony war is over
The NBN Phony war is over

This week in Business Spectator the end of the NBN phony war is cause for celebration. The telecommunications industry has finally shifted to ask the hard questions of a government policy for a second best broadband network that will do nothing for Australia's economy when compared with countries that have adopted a fibre to the premises rollout.

Attack of the NBN zealots
Attack of the NBN zealots

You're either a fibre zealot, an economic rationalist zealot competition zealot or simply missing the point of the NBN, which is to provide a refresh of broadband infrastructure that will have a lifetime of 50-80 years and not a short-term injection of funds to get to the next iteration of an obsolete technology.