
Ending the copyright witch-hunt
Ending the copyright witch-hunt

Kim Dotcom's new website, Mega, is set to spur on new anti-copyright measures. But is trying to stamp out piracy through litigation and legislation ultimately futile?

In the mad rush to appease movie and music companies, governments around the world have trodden on centuries of legal precedent and forced internet service providers to become unwilling proxies in what is a corporate law matter between copyright holders and pirates.

Can data breach notification laws survive the election?
Can data breach notification laws survive the election?

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The Privacy Alerts Bill 2013 missed the cut during the last Senate sitting day and that means that the proposed move to make companies more responsible with customer data, sits in a legal limbo for now.

Will the Coalition introduce data breach laws?
Will the Coalition introduce data breach laws?

The constant and ongoing attacks against Australians have hit the news again this week so attention will be focused on the Coalition's actions to stop hackers. In an article on Technology Spectator titled The Coalition needs to act on data breach laws recent events in Queensland and Indonesia highlight the ease at which hackers send shivers down the spines of politicians and break into Australian business websites.

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Getting our act together on privacy

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The Association for Data-driven Marketing and Advertising CEO Jodie Sangster is not convinced that there is a need for data breach notification legislation and this appears to be a common theme from business representatives.

Corporate Cyber Security Summit 13 November Grand Hyatt Melbourne
Corporate Cyber Security Summit 13 November Grand Hyatt Melbourne

Tomorrow I will be chairing the Corprate Cyber Security Summit at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne. The speakers will be covering topics including cloud security and mobile apps and BYOD. The topics are all of vital interest to business, so take the opportunity to register and come along.

How cyber-crime like the Sony Hack will affect Australian business in 2015
How cyber-crime like the Sony Hack will affect Australian business in 2015

The cyber-attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment in late November is not the first time that the Sony Corporation has been a target for cyber-criminals and if anything is to be learned from the attacks on Sony is that corporations are not taking cyber-security seriously.