
Is Telstra Wi-Fi anti-competitive?
Is Telstra Wi-Fi anti-competitive?

Telstra’s nationwide Wi-Fi network has recently been launched amidst some confusion over infrastructure ownership, payments and access to facilities funded wholely or in part by the universal service obligation.

NBN will suffer due to telco's lack of vision
NBN will suffer due to telco's lack of vision

The videotelephone revolution has been a long time coming and if Australia's telecommunication networks are anything to go by we will be waiting for a long time before videotelephony becomes the norm. In Business Spectator the reasons why videotelephony is not mainstream are discussed and why this will have an impact on the National Broadband Network.

Missing the national Wi-Fi boat
Missing the national Wi-Fi boat

An investigation into Telstra’s Wi-Fi network this week in Business Spectator has highlighted the chaotic nature of the telecommunications industry, the lack of a government plan for the inevitable national and community public Wi-Fi rollouts and dithering by NBN Co, that has led to a missed opportunity to utilise the National Broadband Network (NBN) as infrastructure of choice for special services like Universal Service Obligation (USO) funded payphones and Wi-

The secret trade deal that rewrites Australian telco rules
The secret trade deal that rewrites Australian telco rules

Will there be anything left of the Australian telecommunications industry if the government signs up to a secret trade deal?

Can Australian Telecommunications become more affordable?
Can Australian Telecommunications become more affordable?

The general consensus at the annual Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) national conferenceis was that the cost of telecommunications can be more affordable and the hows and why are discussed in Business Spectator to show that the consumer perspective is an important view that Telcos and the government regulator shou

Fifield needs to take the lead on Universal Service
Fifield needs to take the lead on Universal Service

Senator Fifield's new role as Communications Minister provides an opportunity for him to take leadership and ownership of a broad review of Universal Service provision in Australia but the review foreshadowed by the former Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications, and former Optus executive, Paul Fletcher has yet to materialise and in Business Spectator the focus is on why it is time for Fifield to step up and take c