
Mumbo-jumbo accounting clouds NBN rollout cost

Jut to prove a point the government's hand picked team at NBN Co has changed the accounting method used in the Half Yearly Report released recently so that the figures coincide with the government's copius NBN related reviews and audits carried out in the year following the 2013 election. In Business Spectator the dubious nature of the accounting used is analysed and what is missing has been identified.

NBN Co's time and cost blowouts and who is to blame

NBN Co's admission of a cost blowout up to $15 billion is just the beginning of the bad news expected over the next year and how this is going to slow down the NBN rollout is discussed in Business Spectator including the concern over NBN Co's management approach to providing Australia with a second rate obsolete copper access network.

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Will Parliament act on NBN folly?

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) raids raise a number of questions about the use of Police resources to identify documents leaked from NBN Co. The AFP raids appear to have been carried out incorrectly and there is reason to criticise the AFP's interaction with NBN Co whilst carrying out the raids. Today in the need for Parliament to review what has happened is discussed.

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