NBN Co's fibre tangle

A key aspect of the NBN has been the Senates ongoing inquiries into what is happening at NBN Co and the latest appearances by NBN Co executives at the Senate Select Committee has provided valuable information that is generating debate around why NBN Co has shifted to the multi-technology mix NBN without due justification for a life-time cost analysis of the current renewal of existing broadband infrastructure.

NBN and USO: Searching for a better alignment

The government has announced another review of the USO and how it should integrate with the NBN. Improved reach, new technologies and more competition are possible, but how will the government overcome the 20 year agreement the former government signed with Telstra? Telstra can play a big part in an improved USO, but so can NBN Co. The potential outcomes are discussed in Business Spectator this week.

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NBN Design Rules go MIA

Transparency may be the new motto at NBN Co but the company building the National Broadband Network (NBN) has slowly but steadily reduced the technical information available to the public about how the network is to be built. And why the updated Design Rules have not been released is discussed in Business Spectator with an explanation of why the Design Rules are an important aspect of the NBN debate.

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NBN's FTTN confusion makes any guarantees pointless

his week in Business Spectator the focus is on the long awaited launch of NBN's nascent fibre-to-the node (FTTN) is fast approaching and with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission potentially set to give the green light later this month, the moment of truth on just what speeds FTTN customers will get is fast approaching for Communications minister Malcolm Turnbull and the NBN.