Turnbull's NBN house of cards
Turnbull's NBN house of cards

The NBN review report has been prepared to justify the Coalition's NBN approach, though it is not standing up to scrutiny. The new NBN Co management team is struggling to stay on message with the Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull. The new NBN 2.0 is to be built using a multi-technology approach and today in Technology Spectator the NBN house of cards highlights the extent of the problems with NBN 2.0 and the multitude of ways the project can fail.

The year the NBN stood still
The year the NBN stood still

2014 has been a difficult year for the NBN and there’s no doubt that Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull will be revelling in the pyrrhic victories he has secured this year. In Business Spectator the year that was 2014 for the NBN is discussed and outcomes identified. NBN Co's engineers have been working hard to prepare for the beginning of the multi-technology mix rollout.

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NBN Co's time and cost blowouts and who is to blame
NBN Co's time and cost blowouts and who is to blame

NBN Co's admission of a cost blowout up to $15 billion is just the beginning of the bad news expected over the next year and how this is going to slow down the NBN rollout is discussed in Business Spectator including the concern over NBN Co's management approach to providing Australia with a second rate obsolete copper access network.

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NBN First Satellite Launch 1 October
NBN First Satellite Launch 1 October

Having sought funding to attend the launch of the first of the NBN's satellites from NBN Co and other companies, I'll unfortunately need to follow the Sky Muster launch from Melbourne. Thankfully answers to questions that I have about the satellite and launch will be sought by a couple of the people attending the launch.

Labor at a NBN crossroad
Labor at a NBN crossroad

Labor's next NBN plan is discussed in Business Spectator amidst concern that Labor is not prepared to put out its revised NBN plan until the final lead-up to the next election. Having found itself more right than wrong with the plan to move Australia to an all fibre access network can Labor capitalise on this?

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NBN Co finally ramps up construction personnel
NBN Co finally ramps up construction personnel

The rationale for NBN Co's push to help construction companies ramp up their rollout teams is discussed in Business Spectator and there are quite a few questions that need to be asked of the failed approach taken to carry out the construction of the NBN.

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