
MOOC and you're out of a job: uni business models in danger

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: The rise of online and blended learning and the development of free online courses is set to transform the higher education sector. We’ve asked our authors how to remake the university sector so it can best respond to this revolution.

Top ten tech predictions for 2013

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

NBN: Are you a true believer?

In the interim, the senate continues to spotlight the NBN and of the 35 submissions to the senate inquiry on the NBN to date the government will be struggling to find any support for NBN 2.0.

Turnbull's piracy crackdown and the fate of VPNs

Australians are waging a pitched battle with foreign multinationals seeking to control trade and maintain pricing mechanisms that put local consumers at a disadvantage. Fed on a diet of geo-blocking, slow content delivery and price gouging Australian consumers have opted to strike back through means that the content industry wants to label illegal.

Active Online Security Measures for Business

Australian businesses are under constant threat from criminals that utilise the inherent features of infrastructure and systems connected to digital networks—and the rate of cyber-attacks is increasing. Active measures that Business can employ to combat cyber-crime are discussed in CSO this week.

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Telcos caught in a security firefight

The Federal governments draft amendment to the Telecommunications Act aims to force Telcos to implement security reforms that will compel the Telcos to hand over confidential information about their networks. What the changes will mean to the Telcos is discussed in Business Spectator.

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Broadband performance monitoring is good for Australia

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Rod Sims has called for broadband performance monitoring and in Business Spectator what this would mean for the telecommunications industry is discussed including how the Telco industry is likely to fight a misguided war to stop what could only help improve consumer relations.

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NBN Co's Sky Muster is a small step forward for a company in trouble

The launch of NBN Co's first satellite called Sky Muster is a significant step forward for remote communications but in Business Spectator the discussion focuses on why it is only a small step forward for a company in trouble.

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Wireless hope for locations outside NBN reach

New gigabit broadand point to point transmission operating in the free 38GHz spectrum band is now available and could provide an opportunity for NBN Co to connect hard to get to premises to the nearest node rather than to satellite. In The Australian the offering from Starry, a U.S. start-up, is discussed and how it will provide a flexible option for telcos.

Stone-walling at Senate Estimates on the second-rate NBN

In responding to questions at the Senate Estimates hearing held on 9 February 2016, NBN Co CEO Bill Morrow admitted he did not know the number of nodes being built during the Fibre to the Node (FTTN) rollout and he went on to say that any information about what is being rolled out by NBN Co would be commercial-in-confidence, meaning that he would very selectively answer questions put to him by Senators.