
The NBN copper whispering campaign

Read the original article on The Australian

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The state of the copper network is now the top discussion being held around the water cooler. Joe heard that Fred heard that Misty’s father was a Telstra linesman who swears….

The situation is far from clear and Telstra is not helping matters by making a series of conflicting statements regarding the state of the copper network.

Journal Article: A flexible upgrade path for the Australian National Broadband Network

The refereed journal paper titled A flexible upgrade path for the Australian National Broadband Network has gone live today. The journal paper provides more information and background behind the article that appeared on Technology Spectator titled Special Report: Upgrading the Coalition's NBN.

Warrnambool Exchange Fire Consumer Impact Analysis Presentation

Tomorrow I will be presenting the draft outcomes of the Warrnambool Exchange Fire Consumer Impact Analysis review as a member of the RMIT University research team.

Everyone is welcome.

Presentation: 15 November 2013 in the Hamilton Performing Arts Centre, 113 Brown St, Hamilton 3300 at 12pm and Warrnambool Exchange, Koroit St, Warrnambool 3280 at 4pm

Rescuing Turnbull's NBN

Turnbull's second rate NBN is in need of rescuing and if necessary we can adopt a technique normally used as a network reaches obsolescence or to provide redundancy for business. Connection Bonding is described in Business Spectator including how it might be used to provide a better connection than what will be provided by Turnbull's multi-technology mix (MTM) NBN.

The year the NBN stood still

2014 has been a difficult year for the NBN and there’s no doubt that Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull will be revelling in the pyrrhic victories he has secured this year. In Business Spectator the year that was 2014 for the NBN is discussed and outcomes identified. NBN Co's engineers have been working hard to prepare for the beginning of the multi-technology mix rollout.

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Will the NBN political spin cycle ever end?

The Communication Minister Malcolm Turnbull gave a speech recently at the inaugural Ovum 2020 Summit and, whether you listened to the speech or read the transcript later, there was a distinct touch of deja vu.

Mumbo-jumbo accounting clouds NBN rollout cost

Jut to prove a point the government's hand picked team at NBN Co has changed the accounting method used in the Half Yearly Report released recently so that the figures coincide with the government's copius NBN related reviews and audits carried out in the year following the 2013 election. In Business Spectator the dubious nature of the accounting used is analysed and what is missing has been identified.

NBN's FTTN confusion makes any guarantees pointless

his week in Business Spectator the focus is on the long awaited launch of NBN's nascent fibre-to-the node (FTTN) is fast approaching and with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission potentially set to give the green light later this month, the moment of truth on just what speeds FTTN customers will get is fast approaching for Communications minister Malcolm Turnbull and the NBN.

Have the copyright bullies pushed too hard?

The week in Business Spectator the discussion focuses on the owners of the film Dallas Buyers Club and the multinationals supporting the world wide fight against illegal downloading have adopted tactics that go too far.

NBN Co finally ramps up construction personnel

The rationale for NBN Co's push to help construction companies ramp up their rollout teams is discussed in Business Spectator and there are quite a few questions that need to be asked of the failed approach taken to carry out the construction of the NBN.

Read the full article below