NBN and USO: Searching for a better alignment

The government has announced another review of the USO and how it should integrate with the NBN. Improved reach, new technologies and more competition are possible, but how will the government overcome the 20 year agreement the former government signed with Telstra? Telstra can play a big part in an improved USO, but so can NBN Co. The potential outcomes are discussed in Business Spectator this week.

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No chance the USO will be dumped

The USO is discussed in InnovationAus and in the light of Tony Warren's comments it will be interesting to see what the Turnbull Government does next year.

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USO hurdles yet to be overcome

The Productivity Commission has released its draft report on the Universal Service Obligation (USO) and it has recommended sweeping changes. However, there appears little opportunity for government to make changes without Telstra’s agreement.

NBN Tax yet another mistep

The Turnbull government is set to introduce a new levy on telecommunications companies that offer 25 Mbps or faster internet connections to contribute towards regional and remote broadband.Republish this article

The levy, starting at $7.10 per subscriber increasing to about $8 per subscriber

Audit Office slaps USO contracts

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) has found serious flaws with the Department of Communications’ contract management of selected telephone universal service obligations (USO).

Read the original article on InnovationAus

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The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) has found serious flaws with the Department of Communications’ contract management of selected telephone universal service obligations (USO).