
Telcos caught in a security firefight
Telcos caught in a security firefight

The Federal governments draft amendment to the Telecommunications Act aims to force Telcos to implement security reforms that will compel the Telcos to hand over confidential information about their networks. What the changes will mean to the Telcos is discussed in Business Spectator.

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Targeting cyber criminals
Targeting cyber criminals

The government's new cyber security strategy discussed in The Australian puts a focus on building capacity and capabilities to deal with cyber security and the inclusion of an offensive capability is vital to identify cyber criminals and to bring them to justice.

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Security risks for faster electronic voting
Security risks for faster electronic voting

<p>There have been calls for online electronic voting to fast track elections but security concerns remain and if we rush to put online electronic voting in place we may do our democracy unexpected harm along the way. Today in <em><a href="">The Australian</a></em> the issues surrounding electronic voting are considered.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Encryptions arms race begins for tech giants and law enforcement
Encryptions arms race begins for tech giants and law enforcement

The encryption arms race has begun and giant telcos and law enforcement are at loggerheads and how this will play out is discussed in The Australian.

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Australia ignores cyber security at its peril

National security is vital for the nations future and it is critical that moves to improve the security of telecommunications infrastructure be supported. In Business Spectator the Telecommunications Sector Security Reforms are discussed and why we need to support the development of good legislation.

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Government strengthens telecom security
Government strengthens telecom security

Security is the focus of the discussion in InnovationAus on how protecting critical telecommunications infrastructure is a key national priority and to secure this vital asset the government has introduced new telecommunications security legislation into parliament.

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