On opaque NBN Co reporting
On opaque NBN Co reporting

NBN co's opaque reporting attracts criticism.

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NBN Co is a text book example of why Government Business Enterprises (GBE) attract criticism. In 2017, the company’s government-appointed senior management team is set to bumble along with a failed business model, whilst rolling out obsolete Fibre to the Node (FTTN) technology to about six million premises.

The CVC price is right for NBN Co
The CVC price is right for NBN Co

The announcement by NBN Co that a new CVC charge model would be introduced in June was discussed in The Australian this week. NBN Co is seeking to motivate the industry to move customers onto the NBN at higher speed tiers. Will the strategy work? For the next two years the telecommunications industry will have to accept the decision and seek to find solace in the discounts being offered.

Chaotic plan for regional comms
Chaotic plan for regional comms

The Turnbull Government's Regional Broadband Scheme aims to partially fund NBN Co's loss making fixed-wireless and satellite services. In InnovationAus the outcomes of this industry levy are discussed and how it will remove the need for NBN Co's existing cross-subsidy.

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NBN bailout a political mockery
NBN bailout a political mockery

Malcolm Turnbull has now bailed out NBN Co to the tune of $19.5 billion. To find out what this means for Mr Turnbull's second rate NBN the ramifications are discussed in InnovationAus.

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NBN's a can of worms on pricing
NBN's a can of worms on pricing

NBN Co CEO Bill Morrow's statements in Senate Estimates last week are discussed in InnovationAus focusing on NBN Co's consultations on a new volume-based discount model that would be made available to individual Retail Service Providers (RSP) based on the RSP average data usage.

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Telco consumer advocacy reviewed
Telco consumer advocacy reviewed

NBN Co CEO Bill Morrow's statements in Senate Estimates last week are discussed in InnovationAus focusing on NBN Co's consultations on a new volume-based discount model that would be made available to individual Retail Service Providers (RSP) based on the RSP average data usage.

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