Blog Lists

A futile Queensland Health blame game

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Rethinking USO in a NBN world

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The faulty arguments that stifle the NBN’s potential

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Getting our act together on privacy

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The Association for Data-driven Marketing and Advertising CEO Jodie Sangster is not convinced that there is a need for data breach notification legislation and this appears to be a common theme from business representatives.

Will the NBN be 'affordable' without Huawei?

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Now that the election is done and dusted we need to turn our attention to the broadband minefield that the Abbott government needs to navigate. There will be casualties and some hard decisions to be made along the way, particularly about the involvement of Huawei.

NBN Co's bad telco habits

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The relationship between the telecommunications industry and its customers has always been adversarial with the telcos seen as a necessary evil; their promises of “customer satisfaction”, “value for money” and transparency disregarded as disingenuous PR speak.