Blog Lists

A new NBN benchmark

The discussion around the Coalition’s NBN plan has so far centred on how it measures up to Labor’s existing plan. But perhaps it’s time for a new benchmark.

How do I: Use Linkedin to get a CIO role

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Simple tips to help your career.

LinkedIn now has more than 180 million users, facilitating personal, business and marketing opportunities.

The Coalition's NBN a hard sell

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With only four and a half months to go until the election it appears that only a miracle will save the government from electoral oblivion.

Turnbull's HFC Folly

It’s difficult to envy Malcolm Turnbull’s job when it comes to the NBN. Explaining how The Coalition will come up with a “cheaper, faster” network is no small task.

His alluring promise has been out there for months, and until last week we had little sense as to how it would be accomplished.

The smart money was on The Coalition putting forward a national broadband policy platform that would simply see the overhaul of NBN Co. The recent slew of failures plaguing the rollout has given The Coalition ample justification for such an action.

Free Wi-Fi for everyone everywhere (maybe)

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

The Washington Post reported on February 4 that the US federal government wanted to create super Wi-Fi networks across the USA.