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Turnbull's claims on JJJ Hack Debate unwarranted

During the JJJ Hack Debate on the NBN on April 16, the Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull asked the question why I have "never contacted him nor his office" and thereby implied that I was in some way living in an information vacuum. Turnbull is quite correct that I'm not a journalist, I'm an academic that is commenting on the NBN - my area of expertise. Postive and negative aspects of the NBN have been discussed over the past several years.

NBN delivery cannot be guaranteed

Recently we learned that telcos including iiNet, its subsidiaries and other small telcos have delayed signing NBN Co's new wholesale agreement due to delays provisioning services, fixing faults and attending customer meetings. The house of cards created by NBN Co's outsourced construction model is now the communication minister Malcolm Turnbulls problem and he is under pressure to get the problem fixed.

NBN: Are you a true believer?

In the interim, the senate continues to spotlight the NBN and of the 35 submissions to the senate inquiry on the NBN to date the government will be struggling to find any support for NBN 2.0.

NBN Cherry Picking is Bad for Australia

Australian telecommunications policy has been a failure for 30 years and the move to introduce even more cherry picking will be bad for Australia. Today on Technology Spectator NBN cherry picking is discussed in light of the government's NBN reviews and audits.  It appears the regional and remote Australia will be the big losers. Do you want cherry picking to be enshrined in telecommunications competition policy?

How cyber-crime like the Sony Hack will affect Australian business in 2015

The cyber-attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment in late November is not the first time that the Sony Corporation has been a target for cyber-criminals and if anything is to be learned from the attacks on Sony is that corporations are not taking cyber-security seriously.

NBN Co CEO Bill Morrow takes over the helm soon

Less than two months before NBN Co's new CEO Bill Morrow takes the helm and questions are being raised about NBN Co's direction and the tasks that will fall to Morrow when he arrives. In Technology Spectator Morrow's challenge is highlighted and the hurdles ahead are going to be real test of his leadership and management skills. 

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