
Huawei ban is a bad business

The Australian government has effectively banned Chinese telecommunications vendors.

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The Australian government has announced an effective ban on Chinese telecommunications vendors from participating in the 5G rollout. The outcome of this decision will be a significant head-start for Telstra in the race to rollout 5G and higher mobile telecommunications prices for businesses and consumers.

New spotlight on Huawei 5G ban

Chinese telecommunications powerhouse Huawei has been given the go ahead to participate in Britain’s 5G network rollouts, according to media reports out of the UK.

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Chinese telecommunications powerhouse Huawei has been given the go ahead to participate in Britain’s 5G network rollouts, media reports out of the UK have confirmed.

5G a decision that demands scrutiny

If the government is prepared to make tough decisions that have a negative impact on our relations with another country, then surely it follows that government should also provide an explanation to the public for that serious decision.

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