Telstra’s 5G to overtake the NBN?

Telstra has announced its 5G rollout plans for 2019 and beyond at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2018 that is currently underway in Barcelona. As the first 5G capable handsets hit the market in 2019, Telstra will be fully prepared to offer the next generation mobile service by initially offering 5G coverage in inner urban areas and progressively expanding 5G coverage over time.

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Adelaide lights up giga-future

At first glance, the City of Adelaide’s Ten Gigabit Adelaide project – where it has teamed up TPG Telecom to transform Adelaide into a “city of the future” – has all the hallmarks of a major win for South Australia.

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Report opens up NBN data models

Communications Minister Mitch Fifield has unwittingly presented the Joint Standing Committee on the National Broadband Network (NBN) with a rare and unprecedented opportunity to shine a spotlight on the Government’s NBN policy.

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Telstra pain linked to NBN

Telstra and NBN Co's futures are linked but performance is poor.

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Telstra and NBN Co have both posted poor performance figures in recent weeks and if NBN Co was a listed company its share price would be mirroring the spectacular fall of the Telstra share price.

WA wants at least 100 Mbps

The Western Australian government has taken a position that might convince the other state governments to speak up about the $50 billion being spent to build a second rate NBN.

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What should be done with the NBN when the rollout ends?

In a paper titled Australian Wholesale Telecommunications Reforms the options for the future of the National Broadband Network (NBN) beyond the end of the rollout have been explored. It is unlikely now that the rollout will be completed before 2022 with the need to take into account the 18 month co-existence period before the legacy network is turned off. The paper has been peer-reviewed and published in the Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy.

Ziggy’s NBN value thought bubble

NBN Co Chairman Ziggy Switkowski's thought bubble valuation for the NBN.

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NBN write-down a band-aid solution

A NBN value write-down would be a band-aid solution.

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Calls for the value of the National Broadband Network (NBN) to be written down won’t resolve the systemic problems with the telecommunications market, providing nothing more than a band-aid solution that ignores the underlying problem – the lack of an open, fair and competitive market.

NBN result paints a grim picture

NBN Co's lacklustre results for the first half of 2018/19.

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NBN Co has released lacklustre first-half results for financial year 2018/19 and the spectre of the roll-out continuing into 2022 is now very real. NBN Co continues to struggle to connect customers in the numbers that it needs to improve its bottom line.

NBN future is a numbers game

The Shadow Minister for Communications Michelle Rowland has released Labor’s election policy for the National Broadband Network (NBN).

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