Keeping the lid on NBN discontent

No news is good news for Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull in his efforts to keep a lid on simmering discontent. The NBN's slipping behind further and further and what Australians are being provided for $43 billion is looking rather shallow. What is happening is discussed in Business Spectator and the picture is bleak.

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How Netflix mania helps the NBN

Netflix arrival in Australia has caused a flurry of activity in the telecommunications industry and local media organisations have rushed to respond by launching their own media streaming companies. Foxtel has lowered its prices significantly and now gone online to meet the Netflix generated threat to its traditional cable offering. In Business Spectator what this means for the NBN is discussed and the picture is rosy if nbn can capitalise on the data boom.

Is an NBN compromise still possible?

The bipartisan agreement on the renewable energy target demonstrates how an industry body can work for an outcome that finds the middle ground. The Clean Energy Council has led the way and demonstrated that the Communications Alliance should be pushing for a bipartisan solution for the National Broadband Network.

NBN, British Telecom and turning back the clock

This week in Business Spectator NBN boss Bill Morrow recently highlighted that the company formerly known as NBN Co has instigated an information sharing scheme with UK’s biggest telco British Telecom (BT). It’s an informal agreement and while Morrow says it’s all a friendly exchange of knowledge to bolster NBN’s understanding of efficient network rollout and learning from BT’s extraordinarily high rate of fibre to the node (FTTN) deployment, is th

NBN's FTTN confusion makes any guarantees pointless

his week in Business Spectator the focus is on the long awaited launch of NBN's nascent fibre-to-the node (FTTN) is fast approaching and with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission potentially set to give the green light later this month, the moment of truth on just what speeds FTTN customers will get is fast approaching for Communications minister Malcolm Turnbull and the NBN.

The NBN endgame

The NBN end game is unexpected and how the government might disaggregate and sell off the NBN assets is discussed this week in Business Spectator. Last year Communication Minister Malcolm Turnbull trumpeted the reports of the six National Broadband Network (NBN) related reviews and audits as justification for the government’s decision to implement the mixed-technology roadmap. Hidden amongst the hubris were a few gems the 

The secret trade deal that rewrites Australian telco rules

Will there be anything left of the Australian telecommunications industry if the government signs up to a secret trade deal?

No fix to NBN construction pain

In Business Spectator the discussion is on how the rollout of the National Broadband Network continues at a sedate speed and the litany of excuses from NBN’s management only further highlights why the multi-technology mix (MTM) approach was always fraught with danger. Recently, NBN boss Bill Morrow made a few interesting, some might say injudicious, observations about the rollout of the network and the role the previous NBN management had played in the problematic constr

NBN Network Design Rules highlight problems ahead

The National Broadband Network design rules are discussed in Business Spectator and the multi-technology mix mess takes centre stage.

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The Coalition's national security amendment to Telco Act

This week in Business Spectator the Coalition government's proposed national security amendment to the Telecommunications Act is discussed and the potential detrimental effect on the Telecommunications industry is identified.

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