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Explainer: what are unfunded liabilities?
Explainer: what are unfunded liabilities?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Every Australian is directly or indirectly affected by unfunded liabilities.

Yes — even you.

State and federal unfunded liabilities now total more than $200 billion and this amount is rising rapidly. Is this the state and federal debt we hear so much about on TV?

Cybercrime bill makes it through – but what does that mean for you?
Cybercrime bill makes it through – but what does that mean for you?

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

Yesterday afternoon the Australian Senate passed the Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 following amendments suggested by the Labor Party.

An invincible file-sharing platform? You can't be serious
An invincible file-sharing platform? You can't be serious

By Mark A Gregory, RMIT University

A new version of the peer-to-peer sharing application Tribler has created a buzz online following claims by the software’s lead developer that the app is impervious to attack.

Why Australians want roaming rip-offs to stop
Why Australians want roaming rip-offs to stop

Business Spectator - 29 August 2012

Telecommunications companies already make mammoth profits from international roaming charges and these profits have only increased with the introduction of smart phones. Telcos now not only apply international roaming charges to phone calls, but to other popular services like SMS, email, web browsing and social media use as well.

How do I: Use Linkedin to get a CIO role
How do I: Use Linkedin to get a CIO role

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Simple tips to help your career.

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